Friday, October 8, 2010

Real Estate

A few days ago I finally got permission from the state to take the licensing exam to practice real estate! I have never been so excited to study in my life. Haha. I have scheduled the exam for Wednesday October 13th. That means I have just this weekend, Monday and Tuesday to study and take the final exam from the online school I've been attending.

I should be able to do it if I complete both of the quizzes for the 20 chapters one more time by Monday and take the practice exam on Monday. Then I take the final on Tuesday and get the certificate Wednesday morning. It seems like it's very tight, but I work well under pressure.

I completed and aced up to chapter 6 last night, not as far as I had hoped to be. I will not be able to accomplish much on Saturday. I work at noon, the game is a night game against LSU, and friends are visiting us from out of town and spending the night, so PARTY! Sunday I am also working, but only until 7, so I should have most of the evening. I wanted to be done, done with the quizzes and maybe review the harder chapters once more before the practice test on Monday. I think that if I can get up to chapter 15 tonight I can finish the rest on Sunday.

Anyway, I will certainly be skipping happy hour this week in light of these developments. Oh well. It will be worth it when I have my license and the money to make my house as beautiful as it is in my mind.

Stay rational everyone.

Location:W Newberry Rd,Gainesville,United States

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